Bernina part 2

Yesterday i sewed with the old “Bernina Standard 125 S” for the first time. I tried to find out how old she is, but didn’t find anything with google. I oiled it and started sewing my felt pouches but it is kind of hard to get used to the knee- thingy instead of a pedal. … Sorry for my english, i don’t even know the exact german words and now i try to describe it in english! And i always had to start using the hand wheel or it would sew too fast. D. asked why i don’t use the new one, but I WANT to sew with this one!!

Oh, in the background of the pictures you see… THE WINDOWS!! So the horrible rebuilding time is almost over! Studio is still a dirty mess and i guess we need a week to clean up and paint the walls. But at least there is light again :)))





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