I made it it !!!

  • Beitrags-Autor:
  • Beitrags-Kategorie:Moi

i moved. It took so long because i am a complete noob and i had to learn so much from faqs, forums and tutorials before i could move m wordpress blog (but after all – yippie, it works!!!). i solved all wordpress stuff on sunday when i changed the name server ip adresses and waited. and waited. Today i asked my webhost if it possibly could take so much time and the reply was the dns from andischu.com leads to another server of them (NOT the one they have given me) and they asked if they should change it. what? no, just leave it as it is, thanks, i don’t mind if it does not work… i hope it does not go on with them like that. Oh..and i got my mac. and i have to go… tonight i am going to see Max Goldt and i am really late….


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